The following student contests and events will be held in conjunction with MS&T20 Virtual. Please note that all times listed are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
View this nine-minute video to learn how to navigate the MS&T20 Virtual platform and participate in live events.
Idaho National Laboratory Virtual Tour
Date: Monday, November 2
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST
Organized by: ACerS President's Council of Student Advisors (PCSA)
Students will have the opportunity to attend a virtual tour of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) during the MS&T20 Virtual conference. The ACerS Student Tour is open to all MS&T20 Virtual student registrants. Pre-registration is not required to attend this two-hour tour that will be conducted via Microsoft Teams.
Join on your computer or mobile app:
Click here to join the meeting.
Learn more — ways to connect to the meeting
Student Contests
NEW! Student Social Media Contest
Students who post a photo on Facebook using the hashtag #MST20students will be entered for a chance to win one of the daily cash prizes! Photos must show that you are participating in one of MS&T20’s virtual sessions or student activities to be considered.
Post your photos with the #MST20students on Monday, November 2, through Wednesday, November 4, to be entered to win!
Creativity is always welcome! Winners will be announced at the conclusion of MS&T20. Contact Courtney Shaffer for more information.
2020 Virtual Undergraduate Student Poster Contest
Date: Tuesday, November 3
Time: Noon EST
The purpose of this contest is to encourage undergraduate students to present their undergraduate research experiences and to improve their communication skills. The poster entered must be the work of an undergraduate and completed during the undergraduate education of the student.
The work presented in the poster does not have to be performed at the student’s home institution, but could be, for example, from a project performed as part of a co-op experience, a summer internship, or a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) project.
First, second and third places will be given in the amounts of $250, $150, and $100 respectively. All undergraduate students are eligible to enter the poster contest. The winners will be announced at the student awards ceremony at MS&T.
This contest is now closed to submissions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Student presenters will NOT be eligible to participate in either the poster session and/or contest if they have not registered for the conference by October 9.
See below for the poster contest scoresheet, judging guide, and some tips on creating a technical poster.
Poster Scoresheet
Poster Judging Guide
Guide for Creating a Technical Poster
2020 Virtual Graduate Student Poster Contest
Date: Tuesday, November 3 EST
The purpose of the contest, open to current graduate students pursuing M.S. or Ph.D. degrees, is to recognize superior research performed during graduate study. Posters must be accepted for the MS&T technical program to be entered into the contest. Entries will be displayed in the general poster session.
If you are pursuing an M.S. or Ph.D. degree and your poster abstract has been accepted into the MS&T technical program, you are eligible to enter. First, second and third place prizes will be given in the amounts of $250, $150 and $100, respectively.
This contest is now closed to submissions.
View the complete list of the 2020 Virtual Graduate Student Poster Contestants
IMPORTANT NOTE: Student presenters will NOT be eligible to participate in either the poster session and/or contest if they have not registered for the conference by October 9.
2020 Virtual Undergraduate Student Speaking Contest
Semi-Final Round: Wednesday, November 4, 1:00 p.m. EST
Final Round: Thursday, November 5, 1:00 p.m. EST
MS&T is the host to the Material Advantage Virtual Undergraduate Student Speaking Contest. The purpose of the contest is to encourage undergraduate students to present technical papers and to improve their presentation skills. The presentation subject must be technical but can relate to any aspect of materials science and engineering. One contestant from a university is able to compete in this contest.
Cash prizes to be awarded to contest winners are as follows: $500 for first place, $250 for second place, $150 for third place, and $100 for fourth place. See below for contest rules, grading sheets, and the winner reporting form.
Speaking Contest Rules (PDF)
Speaking Contest Grading Sheets (PDF)
Speaking Contest Winner Reporting Form (PDF)
This contest is now closed to submissions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Student presenters will NOT be eligible to participate in the contest if they have not registered for the conference by October 9.
PCSA Humanitarian Pitch Competition
Date: Monday, November 2
Time: Noon EST
Put together a winning team to participate in the Humanitarian Pitch Competition! ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors (PCSA) is hosting a competition for students to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges about how to address a challenge that a community is experiencing. By utilizing their material engineering background, students should aim to show how improved materials/processes will benefit the community that is in need.
Prizes in the amounts of $500, $250, $150, and $100 will be given to the top four teams. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to participate. The winners will be announced at the student awards ceremony at MS&T.
This contest is now closed to submissions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Student presenters will NOT be eligible to participate in the contest if they have not registered for the conference by October 9.
2020 Virtual Ceramic Mug Drop Contest
Date: Wednesday, November 4
Time: 3:00 p.m. EST
The Ceramic Mug Drop Contest is sponsored by Keramos.
The Ceramic Mug Drop contest allows students to demonstrate their prowess in designing and manufacturing a ceramic mug possessing high strength, mechanical reliability, and/or aesthetics. There will be three categories for entry this year: Standard, Residential, and Aesthetic.
Items to have on hand for both
Standard Mug and
Residential Mug categories: safety glasses, closed toed shoes, leather gloves, ladder, and measuring tape. Video must show use of any/all required safety equipment.
- The mug must hold at least 350 mL to be entered into either drop category.
- Mugs must be made of a monolithic ceramic (no fibers can be incorporated).
- The video of the mug drops must be continuous and the mug must land on a concrete surface.
- Only the tallest successful drop will count, this means that participants can drop it from whatever height they want but if it breaks on the first drop then a height of 0m will be recorded
- The winner of each category (Standard and Residential) will be the mug that survives a drop from the greatest height.
Standard Mug Category
Entries into the Standard Mug category must follow the mug drop rules provided here. See also the guidelines provided above for the drop video. Provide submission form and continuous drop video for entry.
Ceramic Mug Drop Contest Rules.
Residential Mug Category
The Residential Mug category has been created for those competitors who do not have access to labs. Entries in the Residential category require disclosure of how the mug was fabricated (processing, material choice, and firing cycle), and no commercial grade equipment can be used. See also the guidelines provided above for the drop video. Provide submission form and continuous drop video for entry.
Aesthetic Mug Category
Entries in the Aesthetic mug contest will be judged on: craftsmanship, complexity, and overall appearance. At least four (4) photos must be submitted: 1. From the top looking down on the mug 2. From the left side 3. From the right side 4. Showing the bottom of the mug. Provide submission form and photos for entry.
To submit your entries: go to the
2020 MS&T Keramos Student Competition Folder and create a folder titled, "Contestant's Name, University Name, and Entry Category" (Example: "John Doe_Anywhere University_Standard Mug"). Submit your completed
contest submission form and your entry categories supporting materials.
Note: This contest is now closed to submissions.
2020 Virtual Ceramic Disc Golf Contest
Date: Wednesday, November 4
Time: 3:00 p.m. EST
The Ceramic Disc Golf Contest is sponsored by Keramos.
This contest always draws an audience! Students create discs from ceramic or glass materials to meet certain specifications, and the discs are typically thrown into a regulation disc golf basket. The disc that is successfully thrown from the farthest distance will be named winner of the Ceramic Disc Golf Contest, and the most aesthetically pleasing/creative disc will be recorded as "Best Looking" disc. There will be three categories for entry this year: Standard, Residential, and Aesthetic.
Items to have on hand for both
Standard Disc and
Residential Disc categories: safety glasses, closed toed shoes, leather gloves, and measuring tape. Video must show use of any/all required safety equipment.
- Contestants will toss the disc to each other over a gradually increasing distance.
- A disc will remain eligible for throws as long as its longest dimension remains greater than half of the original diameter of the disk.
- The video of the measurements (throw distance and disc) and the subsequent throws has to be continuous.
- The winner of each category (Standard and Residential) will be the disc that is successfully caught over the greatest distance.
Standard Disc Category
Entries into the Standard Mug category must follow the mug drop rules provided here. Provide submission form and continuous throwing video for entry.
Ceramic Disc Golf Contest Rules.
Residential Disc Category
The Residential Disc category has been created for those competitors who do not have access to labs. Entry in the Residential category requires disclosure of how the disc was fabricated (processing, material choice, and firing cycle), and no commercial grade equipment can be used. Provide submission form and continuous throwing video for entry.
Aesthetic Disc Category
Entries in the Aesthetic mug contest will be judged on: craftsmanship, complexity, and overall appearance. At least four (4) photos must be submitted: 1. Showing the top of the disc 2. From the left side 3. From the right side 4. Showing the bottom of the disc. Provide submission form and photos for entry.
To submit your entries, go to the
2020 MS&T Keramos Student Competition Folder and create a folder titled, "Contestant's Name, University Name, and Entry Category" (Example: "John Doe_Anywhere University_Standard Disc"). Submit your completed
contest submission form and your entry categories supporting material.
Note: This contest is now closed to submissions.
View highlights of the 2019 mug drop and disc golf contests.
Additional Student Events
Humanitarian Engineering Symposium
Date: Monday, November 2
Time: 2:00 p.m. EST
Both students and professionals interested in applying the basic science of materials research to problems with many constraints will want to attend this symposium organized by the ACerS Basic Science Division and the ACerS President’s Council of Student Advisors. This field of research has made large impacts on the communities they serve; however, humanitarian engineering is not widely studied in the materials community. The symposium will seek to motivate undergraduate and graduate students to take action by traveling to countries to combat problems like access to clean water, affordable housing, renewable energy, and health care, some of which we take for granted living in the U.S.
Young Professional Q&A Session
Date: Tuesday, November 3
Time: 3:00 p.m. EST
Gain insight from industry pros! This year, MS&T20 will be hosting a Young Professional virtual session, where panelists across the materials sciences will come together to discuss a variety of technical-related topics and offer encouragement during these unprecedented times. Stay tuned for more information. Have a question for the panelists? All student registrants are encouraged to send their questions to for consideration!